Pages - a Writers' Salon with Linda Bond
Pages: A Writers' Salon with Linda Bond
Part 1: Wednesday, November 10, 2:00PM to 4:00PM
Part 2: Wednesday, December 1, 2:00PM to 4:00PM
Love the craft of writing? Belleville Public Library is excited to offer a new two part Writers’ Salon called Pages. Hosted by creative non-fiction writer and author Linda Bond, Pages provides an opportunity for the community to gather to hear local writers share their work and discuss their craft. Part Two features writers Nell Davidson and Jana Dumas. Everyone is welcome and there is no cost to attend. This program will be meeting in the Gallery space. Registration and proof of vaccination is required. To register, call 613-968-6731 ext. 2037 or send us an email at
Before entering the Gallery space, participants must show:
- Proof of identity that shows your name and date of birth (e.g. Driver's License); and
- Proof of vaccination (your vaccine receipt, demonstrating you are fully vaccinated and the final dose was taken at least 14 days ago).
For more information about proof of vaccination, visit
Don’t forget your mask!