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Teen Volunteer Artists
In the children’s department, one thing we are always in need of is colouring sheets! Each month, we print hundreds of colouring sheets to be given to children who visit the library.
As a registered student volunteer, one way you can help the library is by sending us your own hand or computer drawn colouring pages. Colouring sheets can be submitted with the form below or by dropping them off at the Reader’s Advisory desk. One colouring sheet = 1 hour of volunteer time. Library staff reserve that right to not accept colouring sheets that do not conform to the following rules.
1. Local Theme:
All colouring sheets must have a local theme about something in the Belleville or the Hastings area. This could include a picture of a local landmark, business or community center. For example: a polar bear in front of City Hall; a monkey inside Belleville Public Library; fishing in the Moira river; your school. Do not be afraid to spell it out on the page how the colouring page pertains to Belleville. By making it local it both helps us ensure your art is original and helps to give children a better sense of their community.
2. Non-offensive:
Please do not send anything that contains violence, foul language, or anything else that would not be suitable to children. Be respectful of all races, genders, age groups, religions, sexual orientations, and economic backgrounds.
3. Formatting:
Colouring sheets must be black and white. They must be in a style that could make them colourable for children. This would include not being heavily shadowed, with defined lines and boundaries.
4. Limit of 2 colouring sheets submitted per month per registered volunteer.
Teen Volunteer Artists
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