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Libby by OverDrive
Libby is OverDrive’s library reading app. Enjoy ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines on your smart phone or tablet using the Libby app.
To enjoy reading on a mobile divice, Libby is OverDrive’s library reading app. Enjoy ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines on your smart phone or tablet using the Libby app.
You can download Libby on:
- An Apple iPhone or iPad with iOS 10+
- An Android smartphone or tablet with 5.0+
- An Amazon Kindle Fire
If you have a Windows computer, Mac computer, or a Chromebook, you can use Libby in your web browser at libbyapp.com. We suggest using the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge.
Watch this short video about getting started with Libby.
***Belleville Public Library users can also browse, borrow, and enjoy titles on the Ontario Library Service Consortium’s OverDrive website.
Signing into Libby
1. When asked if you have a library card, select Yes.
2. Find and select your library:
- To have Libby find your library using your location, choose Yes, Guess my Library.
- To search for your library by name, city, or postal code, choose I’ll Search for a Library. Make sure you choose Belleville, Ontario (not Illinois!).
3. Follow the prompts to enter your card number and PIN (usually the last 4 digits of your phone number).
Visit Libby Help for Frequently Asked Questions, including browsing by subject, searching for a series, filtering by availability and format, using tags, managing your holds, and more.
OverDrive Magazines
Enjoy magazines, ebooks, and audiobooks all in one place. OverDrive Magazines can be read on the Ontario Library Service Consortium’s OverDrive website and in Libby.
OverDrive Magazines have no circulation cap and allow unlimited simultaneous use, so you can enjoy every issue of every magazine. Read the latest issues and up to 3 years of back issues.
Click here to browse the OverDrive Magazines you can read. For help with reading OverDrive Magazines in Libby, see this page on Libby Help.
Kobo eReaders
Newer Kobo eReaders (Sage, Libra 2, Clara HD, Clara 2E, Elipsa, Forma, Libra H2O, Nia, Aura Edition 2, Aura H2O Edition 2, Aura ONE) have a built-in OverDrive feature, allowing you to borrow and download books from the library directly on your eReader. For details and instructions, see Kobo’s guide.
For older Kobos (Aura, Aura H2O, Touch 2.0, Glo), you can transfer ebooks from Libby or OverDrive to your eReaders using free Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) software on your Windows or Mac computer. See this guide for instructions.
Note: Amazon Kindle readers are not compatible with library OverDrive eBooks in Canada.