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Online Library Card Registration
If you live, attend school, or own property in the City of Belleville (Ontario, Canada) or the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory (Ontario, Canada), and you would like to register for a new library card, please fill out the form below. Library staff will create a library card for you and email you the library card number and PIN. This will allow you full access to our e-resources from the comfort of your home. You will also be able to place holds on our physical material.
Please allow for up to two (2) business days for the card to be created. Your new library card will be mailed to your home address; please allow for up to two weeks for the card to be mailed. Your new library card will expire in six (6) months. Before the expiry date, please stop into the library to show proof of address in person.
Note – these cards are intended for patrons 12 years old or older. If you are younger than 12 years old you will need a parent/guardian to come to the library and sign for your card.
Online Library Card Registration
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