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Inter-Library Loan Service
If the library does not have the book you are looking for we will try to order it from another public library in Ontario. We do not lend out or borrow any audio visual material, nor do we borrow from academic libraries. You can come to the Information Services department to place your order, phone us at 613-968-6731 x 2037, or you can email us at infoserv@bellevillelibrary.ca. Please make sure you have a valid library card. If you want to know the availability of the book you are looking for, you can search through Ontario Interlibrary Loan Search.
Our library is fine free and this applies to Inter-Library loans as well. Patrons can request five (5) titles through Inter-Library Loan at one time.
Renewing Inter-Library loans:
Renewals require the permission of the lending library so it must be requested before the due date.
To renew the book you have, you should come in to the library or phone us 613-968-6731 x 2037. You can also send an e-mail through Ask a Librarian.