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Wi-Fi Hotspot Lending
A mobile wireless internet router (hotspot) allows you to connect devices like phones, tablets, and laptops to high-speed internet from any location. Belleville Public Library (BPL), with grant funding from the Government of Canada’s Healthy Communities Fund, is pleased to offer free hotspot loans to BPL patrons.
- Patrons must be aged 18 or older and have a valid Full Membership BPL card to borrow a hotspot.
- The devices are Rogers Inseego MiFi X Pro 5G Hotspots. They rely on cellular networks to provide broadband internet on the go.
- Hotspots can be placed on hold with our online catalogue. You can also contact staff by phone (613-968-6731 x 2037) or email (infoserv@bellevillelibrary.ca) and ask them to place a hold for you.
- The loan period for hotspots is 7 days. There is a limit of one hotspot per card.
- There is a $5.00 per day late fee for hotspots that are not returned by their due date. Data will be turned off when a hotspot is overdue, disabling the device.
- Patrons are responsible for any damaged or lost equipment associated with borrowing a hotspot. There is a $453 charge (price subject to change) for a lost or damaged hotspot, and additional fees will be charged for the loss or damage of power cords or carrying cases. Cards with over $20 in outstanding fines will have all borrowing privileges suspended until payment has been made in full.
- Remember, cardholders are responsible for all items borrowed on their card, so report lost cards or address / phone number changes to staff immediately.
- Borrowers must read, sign and adhere to the Hotspot Borrowing Agreement and comply with the BPL Computer and Network Use Policy while using a hotspot. The first time you borrow a hotspot, you must sign the Agreement.
- When you receive a notification that your hotspot is ready for pick up, please visit the second floor Information Desk to pick up the unit.
- Hotspots must be returned during open hours at the Circulation Desk (1st floor) or the Information Desk (2nd floor). Do not place hotspots in the return bin at the library or the return bin at the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre. BPL is open Mon-Thurs 10-8, Fri-Sat 10-5, and Sun 1-5 (Sept-June).